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Easy Urdu Point of Sale (POS)With Stock Management

A user friendly point of sale software with beautiful dashboard and comprehensive reporting, good for small business and easy to use. It works with barcode scanner and receipt printer. Whatever your business process is it is fit and customizable for the product according to your needs. It is cost effective and has a great set of features.

Urdu POS

Industries Where Our Urdu Point Of Sale Can be Used













Screenshots of Our (Urdu + English) Easy POS

POS Screenshot
Taking Payment Screenshot
Invoice Screenshot
Sales Report Screenshot
Sales Report Screenshot
Make/Print Barcode Screenshot

Easy Urdu Point of Sale (POS)Features


With Overview & Best Seller Chart, Latest Five (sales, quotations. purchases, transfers, customers & suppliers)


Standard, Combo & Digital products with import & export option along with quantity adjustment and bulk update feature

Point of Sale (POS)

Simple and easy to use design with registers, virtual keyboard, hold/suspend sales and display customer screen option. Quick Cash buttons

Sales Report

Sales with payments and option to accept payments online by PayPal and Skrill along with delivery, gift cards and returns options


Purchase order with payments records, option to add purchase with CSV along with expenses feature


Manager staff users, billers (selling companies), customers and suppliers with import by csv and export options


Easily manage the app with settings for logo, categories, variants, currencies, tax rates, customer groups, price groups, email templates and group permissions (staff group)


Overview & warehouse stock chart, product quantity and expiry alerts, general profit and/or loss report, sales, purchases, transfers, customer, suppliers and staff user reports

Much More

Multilingual, Event Calendar, Calculator, On-Screen Keyboard and comprehensive documentation

Easy Urdu Point of Sale

  • One Click English to Urdu & Urdu to English Convert.
  • Stock Management
  • Invoice & Barcode Scanner option
  • Sale & Purchase daily, Monthly record
  • Add Multiple users.
  • Compatible to all types of shops superstores and other businesses
  • Unlimited Product categories
  • Easy to manage and superfast
  • GST enable or disable option
  • Online or Offline you can select 1 mod to install.

POS In English & Urdu

1 click language convert

An easy and simple accounting package that fully integrates with POS Desktop, offers general ledger, tax calculation and integrated payroll.It gives you track of each activity like invoices and orders along with alerts for overdue payments. With its payroll functionality you can manage your employee’s advance salaries, taxes and other benefits. By using reporting filters you get the information as you require along with an export option.Customer / Supplier account trackingBank accounts & cash on hand trackingEasy invoice customizationAccount summary and profit.

A retail software or POS system is an fundamentals part of running any successful store in today’s world. Point of Sale systems can help you to better understand your customers, your staff and your business, letting you to drive towards better profits and smarter ways of working.

For our money, the best POS system you can choose is Easy POS or POS Advance, Which have very competitive market price.A best POS is easy to understand and flexible in its design and Easy POS and POS advance are designed to understanding the customers choice and to avoid complexity.

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